Monday 3 May 2010

T -17 Days and Counting

With just a few weeks left of lovely Lutterworth College, let's reflect on the past two years.

What a load of bollocks.

Okay, now that's over, here's a bit of wisdom I spouted this week:

Why spend every day playing the dress rehearsal of a show that'll never take to the boards? Wipe the makeup from your face, open the curtains and step forward into the lights of real life. Break free of the chains of some other director. Let morals be your script, and chance be your choreographer...

Who doesn't love theatre saying? Non-theatre types, I suppose. Rupert, for example. It was written for someone in particular, but it has a wider meaning than shaking free of the shackles of directed performing arts.

Life is like that. Look at all the abuse I get on Formspring - people trying to direct me to how they want me to be, and causing trouble when I refuse. Why bend and break to what other people expect?

And why expect people to bend and break for you? I'm proud to say that I'm very much for Vertical Tutoring. But people who haven't seen it work on this level don't - won't - understand it, and kick up a fuss. I don't suppose any of you will know how hard it was to stand in front of Yr11 and do that assembly. Yr10 was easy they don't know a thing about me. But to stand in front of close peers, and even friends who value my opinion, and say something that was very much against the stroke was a difficult thing to do.

And the clever people pulled the "You're not going to be here" card. So? So bleedin' what?

VT is something that you have to see working to understand it. Until you do, how on Earth can you not be open minded?

Rant over. I had a very cold day at Mallory Park yesterday, attempting to improve - or rather, gain - some motorsport photography skills with Kenneth. The Kingsmill team were lovely and didn't mind having me pottering about for a little while taking photographs of their sidecar and eating their rolls. Which were blatantly cobs, this is Lestah. Tchh.

(Photographs to follow - I took over 800)

You could see the smoke from the Enderby fire from the circuit. I was listening to the Leicester City match on my iPod inbetween races, they mentioned it a couple of times. So much smoke, poor ozone layer. Poor polar bears...

Busy week ahead. Bank Holiday Monday. Off Wednesday as I'm having teeth removed. Not overly sure if there's much point going in for the rest of the week....

Gone revisin' xx

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