And in true form, let's have a complaint. I'M ILL!! Woke up with a blocked nose, a horrid cough and the return of my ear problem. My feet are sore from my trek with Daisy the other day. I'm tired, as me and Taz stayed as late as possible to plot LX.
But it's opening night - I'm nervous, anxious, and incredibly excited.
But this also means it's the last Thursday of the Easter break, which has flown by. I've hardly done anything, although I did get some photographs of Hannah that are lovely...
Made contact with the Emerald Isle this morning, chatting to Greg about various odd Volkswagen events that are kicking off this summer. Hopefully going to Bug Jam, in July, and Greg's chatting about a VW tour around Ireland, called Eireball - looks very amusing.
So, I suppose things aren't so bad, really. I shall of course let you know how the show goes...
"You know you love me"
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